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About Maryam Jazeem
Maryam Jazeem is a Multi-Award Winning Quran Reciter, Hijabi, Kidpreneur, YouTuber, Public Speaker, and the Curator and the Co-Founder of the Qura'n Champion Award. She was born in London in February 2012 to a Sri Lankan Origin Parent.
Maryam has been showing her interests and enthusiasm in various activities since her childhood. She is developing her various skills through her self-learning and own will by the grace of Almighty Allah.
She is very much interested in Reading and Art. She was guided to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge at her Age 2 and successfully achieved the target in a reading challenge and was awarded certificates and Medals in 2014 and 2015 by The Reading Agency in association with Guinness World Record.
She is also memorizing the Holy Quran on her self-interest to become a Hafiza. She secured 3rd Place and a Special Price in the “International Quran Memorisation” and “Islamic Knowledge Competition” respectively conducted by the “Muslim Ville” Organisation based in Canada in the last summer 2018.
Following her Achievement in the International Islamic Competition, She was nominated for the “The London Excel Award” organized by the “Dawatul Islam UK and Eire” which is a Charitable Organisation founded in 1978. She was awarded “The Excel Award” for dedication and curiosity to seek knowledge for the shake of Almighty Allah in 2017.
In the Holy Month of Ramadan in 2018, She expressed her thoughts on sharing the Values of her achievements and wanted to create a similar opportunity to the children around the globe during Ramadan. Her thought and Idea has now being promoted as the “Quran Champion Award” Competition through British Islamic School. She wanted to initiate the first ever Quran Champion Award Competition with the help of his father from Sri Lanka which is her favorite and parent’s Mother Land. Ref Link: (https://youtu.be/uhaX1gpppeY ).
It was launched in Sri Lanka in 2018 through British Islamic School. Ref:www.britishislamicschool.edu.lk) ( www.facebook.com/britishislamicschools
World Famous Hafiza Maryam Masud from USA served as the Honorary Judge for the Competition at the request of Maryam Jazeem.
Maryam Jazeem recently won the title of the Winner of 2020 Juzz Amma Competition organised by the Eman Channel TV . The competition was organised by the Eman Channel at the National Level in the UK. Eman Channel TV is one of the leading Islamic Channels in United Kingdom. Maryam Jazeem is also a winner at the 1st Round of National Qiraat Competition (NQC) 2020 organised by the Islam Channel TV in the United Kingdom
Maryam Jazeem is a vivid reader of the Young Times Magazine since it was relaunched in UAE. Young Times, a Khaleej Times brand with 22 years of legacy. The magazine serves as a forum for youngsters to showcase their talents, be it in writing, quizzing, art and craft — whatever they would deem fit. The aim of the magazine is to develop a generation of wholesome youngsters.
When readers were asked to contribute to celebrate their 1st Anniversary of the Young Time Magazine Cover Page and Write up about her Wednesday experience when collecting the magazine, she immediately accepted the challenge to contribute. Then she drew the beautiful Cover Page and wrote her experience in her own handwriting during her term Holidays.
Young Times has published her drawing and write-up together on their Special Edition which was released on the 9th of September, 2019.
Magazine Download link:
She was also excited and pleased to see her first-ever contribution to the print media in one of the greatest magazine in the UAE.
Maryam Jazeem is much interested in day to day world affairs and Politics. During the undemocratic protest and violence held in the Sri Lanka Parliament on the Black Day, She was badly disturbed by the scenes and activities shown in the live news. She immediately released a video under the title of HARDTalk where she was hardly condemning the violence and an irrespective act of the MPs of the Sri Lankan Parliament. Her video went viral and received the greatest support from the globe. Video can be viewed via the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8R4mkypmgQ
MaryamJazeem also received a surprising response from the British Prime Minister, Hon. Boris Johnson for her recent Video Message ( https://www.facebook.com/MaryamJazeem/videos/577020649504007 ) and her letter requesting to stop the BrEXIT and the Promulgation.
News & Events
"The Prophet ﷺ said: "...The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.”
(al-Mu’jam al-Awsaṭ)"
Guest Experience as a Practising Young Hijabi to remark the
World Hijab Day on 1st Feb at the Todays Show of the Islam Channel TV
My daughter Maryam Jazeem has been invited by the World Hijab Day Founder, Sister Nazma Khan (USA) to inaugurate the WorldHijabDay Conference 2023 on 1st of Feb in Sha Allah
Inaugurating the First Ever of its Kind Al-Qura'n
Conference in London Excel on 15th Jan
National Qira'ah Competition (NQC) Champion
On 9th May 2021, Maryam Jazeem was crowned as the Best Quran Reciter in the UK in the Final Round of the National Qirat Competition (NQC) conducted by the Islam Channel TV.
Winner of
Heavenly Voices Quran Recitation Competition2021
Maryam Jazeem won in the HeavenlyVoices Quran Recitation Competition organised by the Huda TV during the month of Ramadan 1442 .
Finalist at Global Qirat
Maryam Jazeem was selected as one of the finalist at the Global Qirat Competition out of over 100 participants from all over the world conducted by the Minhaj Welfare Foundation UK Chapter.
Winner at National Quran Competition by MAB
Maryam Jazeem secured the 1st Place in the National Quran Competition conducted by Muslim Association of Britain (MAB) during the Ramadan 1442
Winner at Hounslow's Got Talent
AlHamthulillah. “Wa Ma Thowfeeqi Illaa Billah” Success only comes from Almighty Allah. It was my first time experience to participate in this show and won the 3rd Place in Quran Recitation category
Winner of Juzz Amma Competition
Allaahu Akbar!
The #Moment when #MaryamJazeem won the title of the #Winner of the #NationalLevel #JuzzAmma #Competition #2020 organised by one of the leading #IslamicChannels in the U.K. known as #EmanChannel
Jazakallahu Khairan for all for your valuable #Duas and #Prayers and #Support.Winner at National Quran Memorisation and Recitation Competition
AlHamthulillah. #MaryamJazeem secured the #3rdplace🏆 at the 4th National Quran Memorisation and Recitation (Female Division) competition held on 13th of December,2020 .
It was her firsttime to attend the @ukhuffadh competition under 5 Juz category at her young age. She was the youngest contestant in the Female division too. AlHamthulillah.Surprising response from British Prime Minister
Maryam Jazeem received a surprising response from the British Prime Minister, Hon. Boris Johnson MP for her letter requesting to stop the Brexit and Promulgation of the UK Parliament in October 2019
Guest Speaker at Teebah Foundation Hope Event
On the 30th of November, 2019, Maryam was invited as one of their Guest speakers by the Teebah Foundation to deliver a speech at their Fundraising event held at the Bushed County Club Hall, Hertfordshire. Her Speech about the Importance of Charity and it benefits in our life and hereafter made the largest audience to deeply think about their lifestyle and opened their mind to contribute for the noble causes initiated by the Teebah Foundation
1st Round Winner at National Qira'ah Competition (NQC)
On 30th September 2019, Maryam Jazeem was one of the best 3 Live reciters of the First Round of the National Qirat Competition (NQC) conducted by the Islam Channel TV.
Special Guest Experience
at National Qira'aah Competition by
Islam Channel TV
Guest Experience at the Salam Britain Show of the Islam Chanel TV on
22nd Nov
Receiving the Chairman Verbal Commendation Award at International Model UN Conference on 23rd of Jan
3rd Place Winner at Voice of Oneness Season 2
National Qura'n Competiton
Becoming a youngest Ambassador of the World First Muslim Creative Arts School based in London in Feb
As Seen On
Maryam Jazeem has been featured in various media in the UK and Worldwide
Sunnah Impression by Maryam Jazeem
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© 2020 Maryam Jazeem